Christ is the Messiah, embodied a good, full of mercy, nor where he will be angry and all those who sincerely repent forgive sins. Christ furious avenger of evil God ???who demands strict obedience and kills humans ???are products of the Protestant Old Testament interpretation of Christianity.
Christian from Oakland predict that the end is near, that day will happen a great earthquake that will destroy the world, while the dead lay everywhere. Members of these religious groups have organized and convoy - wagon vehicle in which the " ambassadors ", convinced believers who have left all other environmental obligations, crisscrossing America in an effort to as many people to deliver the message.
Doesn't this guy Harold Kamping knows that the Bible is written that no one can decode it and the Bible that these are only assumptions, not even the angels and saints themselves will not know the day of Christ's is coming but here, these guy hi knows???
By good in the Bible. that no one knows when it will come Judgement Day, even the angels of God... Do not mystify and nonsense.. They want to seduced people to believe in their nonsense, as indicated, many will be misled.. Believe in God.. Not in humans. Jesus said to one of his student, " Go away from me Satan,you believe in human prophecy not of God! " so believe in what God said.. And not what people talk or predict no one knows when that day will come.Nothing will happen.
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