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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Our Body Sends Us Signals-recognize them

Healthy hair, skin and nails and a sense of inner strength mirror as health of the whole body and spirit. On the other hand, all changes to the body, lack of energy, a sense of apathy or depression, which signals the body sends to us when its is missing something.
Thus, for example, depression may occur due to a lack of vitamin B6, which in the body may compensate for increased intake of meat and fish. Redness on the face indicates the load of the small intestine and heart. The redness can be treated with oils and creams that stimulate blood flow and have beneficial effects on the skin. If the redness does not disappear, avoid alcohol, coffee, tea, white flour, and very spicy foods, and increase the intake of raw foods, cereal, white and red onion, lemon, celery, grapes and pears. but is any other changes should be kept in mind that it is important to remove as soon as the body is very serious warning signal SOS.
The cause of change is very often just a lack of vitamins, essential fatty acids, zinc, iron, and whether it is a sign but a sign that food is inadequate and should be complete as soon as possible or to change. It is therefore important to insert your menu foods that the body is missing, but it also at least once per week rewarded with several hours of extra sleep and relaxation.
Sea food for skin and hair
Acne is caused due to lack of zinc and it is recommended higher intake of milk, crabs and shellfish. Pimples on the upper arm ant thigh skin and red skin is often a sign of lack of vitamins B and E and essential fatty acids. They can be compensate with meat, grains and seafood. Poor hair growth can indicate a lack of iron and zinc, and it can be compensates with meat, herbaceous plants, milk and shellfish. For dandruff recommended intake is citrus fruits, meat, fish and milk.
Bloodshot eyes and chapped lips
Bloodshot eyes usually attributed unsleeped night or work at a computer, but this may be the result of a lack of vitamin A and B2. By entering the dairy products, meat, green, orange and yellow fruits and you will reimburse that vitamins. Chapped lips, decreased sense of taste and sores on the mucous membrane of the mouth are a sign of iron deficiency, vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid. It will help eating meat, leguminous and green vegetables and dairy products.Listen to your body it sends you signals,

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