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Friday, June 17, 2011

Why Hi is Not Calling You?

Zašto nije nazvao odnosno zašto ne odgovara na poruke

If you've ever been in a situation that you asked your self thousand times why hi didn't called, and hi said that he will call or why is not respond to your messages?

Message from this would be such that no woman should not be fooled by illusions type: too busy with work, suffers from periodic amnesia, wearing a bad experience from previous relationships and the like to realize that the "relationship something is wrong" or "why is hi not calling. " And here, as a big wake-up fairy tale we know the cruel fact is : "Hi doesn't like me enough!"

No matter how difficult it was to this new knowledge, it is much better than the question "Does he like me?" That will torture us again and again while waiting for the phone to ring or messages. However, because the question always leaves the possibility for any illusions. Even if you have a friend who is incorrigible romantic, chances are you will be hurt are really great, the phone still does not ring, and each message that is not the law will be agony.

However, something we must admit, as much as this may sound harsh black and a lot of pessimism there is no doubt true that if a guy is really interested, but hi will find ways and times and hi will call,if hi is interested in you. And we all know somewhere deep inside, so once again enchanted as we are expecting a call just by the guy who is not calling, playing with our self we know the game "He loves me - loves me not", and then we were dispersed.

Message that transmits all the symptoms of the fact that the guy is simply "not enough to lodge" in principle, be taken as a turning point in the decision that it is necessary to make a drastic step and stop wasting time and get carried away, because you're obviously much more valuable than such harsh treatment.

But its very imported to ask the question "Does he like me?" Is what most concerns. Do you really, regardless of all the qualities, accomplishments, work on your own self-esteem, sometimes so much self-doubt, or you might suspect in what is called love? No one has the correct answer to this question, but what is known is the fact that, no matter how many messages "box is not enough," looked like a reasonable answer, in some situations, however, still like to believe in fairy tales and "Happy Ends".

Therefore we should not take for granted everything we read in this article because maybe the man of your dreams has a valid reason for not calling and not liable to you for your message.

The fact is that men do not look at life from the same perspective as women does, and that definitely are not worried about the same thing,, analysis and bug that wrapped on our heads. Also, sometimes they are frightened, confused and uncertain. So maybe they want to give us a message-hey baby: "I am Not That In To You"

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