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Monday, June 6, 2011

Mother in Law(or Monster)

The relationship with your partner's mother is often difficult: either stressed or strained distant friend. Here are five classic cases and advice on how to behave!

Almost every third woman has problems with the mother of his partner. With his father is still less trouble, but it should not be surprising. Finally, his mother in growing part , always has a major role. The process by which the son wants to terminate the "umbilical cord" which is associated with the mother it is very difficult to fall, psychologists explain. It is valid for the relation of man with the mother of his partner. In doing so, however, rarely leads to strong conflict - more often it is the little things - but they nonetheless do not go on your nerves. Here are five classic cases and how to easily go out with them at the end:

ALLIES: She was initially thrilled with the new girlfriend of her son, the prices, it is with certain plans - often without a son. It means she will achieved her goals throw you, "Tell him to wear something nice. You will listen." "How long will he still studying?" or "Do hi drink that much?" Whoever after such provocation affects the partners, makes a mistake because it will cause problems.

Advice: The best means is openness - you explain his mother that you are not ready to participate in hers maneuvers. The partner must also be familiar with his mother's demands. If the partner really has a weakness, he must tell her that hi changed. Partner in that it must support, not to enter into a pact with his mother - usually behind your partner's back. It harms more than helps.

Wiseacre: She knows how it will be the juiciest steak, where clothing is the cheapest, the best time for summer vacation and how to best care for children. She made no secret that in all situations of life is more capable than daughter-in-law, because, more than 20 years and more suited to her son, so she is the best!!!you can not just change her. Of course, she knows that he is now living his own life, but she can not live with that.

Advice: Who are engaging in combat, would create even more material to deepen the conflict. In this situation it is best to respond soberly, and not to feel threatened. For example, "So I'm not eating juicy steaks anywhere else like you do them , but I would rather try a new recipe for a salad." If you interfere too much benevolence in the intimacy of steam, will help only tell her : "I fully understand what you want - but we decided otherwise."

Restricted: When you come to visit, she is just making a conversation with his son. She is calling him by phone, while it has only a few stereotyped sentences. Its distance is disturbing and insulting her. The cause is often meaningless. Difficulties often arise in conversation because the mother is uncertain, just as the partner of her son. Or, it is very much like your partner, earlier her son and she is hard to get used to the new person.

Advice: Take the first step, which would break the tense atmosphere - a call, visit, make a note. Will finally face each other to find two women who have a shared interest - like the same man. If the air stays cold and still, nothing will help. What can be done to reduce the prediction for the minimum. Do not switch your partner that his mother is impossible, it will harm the relationship. Every man is sensitive to remarks about his family, especially his mother.

Committed to: Her is a standard phrase: "Do not have time for me." She would prefer to come to visit every day: she will be ironing his shirts , cooked for him and thus "helping" the pair. If they refuse, she will be seek in the best case she will become depressed and try to impose her favorite feeling of guilt. Delicate is the case, especially if the mother is divorced or widowed.

Advice: The solution in this case can only be a compromise, because if the son refuses his mother's kindness, the mother is "falling into a coma." Therefore needs to be done conversely, the mother in the society, send it to the group tour and so give her a chance to make new acquaintances.

Intrigue woman:Malicious kind of devotion- mother.She wants to prove that everything daughter in low doing is wrong,wrong,wrong, from her partner -to work, to education of children. The cause of this behavior is the fear that she will forever lose her son.

Advice: Open conversation in this case can not be avoided. Primary: he must be on the side of his partner and mother must make it clear that she isn't the boss here.

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