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Sunday, June 12, 2011

How Apple can be good and Its Benefits

Apple for good sleep, anti-chronic fatigue, intoxication, high blood pressure, dizziness, excessive obesity, headaches, migraines, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, throat disease, calcification of joints, burns, eczema, impetigo, trihofit, pros.
APPLE is good for anemia. Every morning on an empty stomach one grated apple you should eat , topped with half a lemon, tablespoon of domestic forest teaspoon honey and juice of plantain and fruits.

-Apple against Sciatica rotten apples (preferably wild) are an excellent cure for sciatica. Painful positions simply wraps an apple and this is repeated for days until felt relief.
-Apple against


is fantastic way to regulate stool and constipation remedy is to take a daily meal of a baked apple with bread or even better, trotting from barley, wheat or rye.

-Tea from apples as a universal medicine cook it for five minutes should be 2.5 ounces of water with a tablespoon of honey juice of one lemon. with it pour 10 grams of apple blossom and leave covered for 15 minutes. Drain. It good for strengthen the nerves, heart,lung to regulate digestion and ease the coughing and sneezing. At the same time, its quench thirst during the summer s heat.

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