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Saturday, June 4, 2011

What is Love

Love is just a word... Unique experience... The essence of life? Coming bad news for those who love romance - Scientists sayed that love is a cocktail of chemical compounds that our body produces in specific situations.

In the scientific journal Nature published a study love is explained as a neuro chemical series of processes occurring in certain parts of the brain.

If further research proves to be right, forget about the oysters and chocolate, instead, the experts will be able to develop the scientific basis for aphrodisiacs, chemicals will be able to name the man to fall in love first person that comes along.

Unhappily in love they will get " antidote " that will help them forget about unrequited love and get a new chance.

It will be possible to make some sort of genetic test of love, which should determine whether two persons were " made ​​for each other, or whether they are destined to have a happy marriage.

Poetic souls believe that love is beyond the limits of reason, but Dr. Jang does not agree with this: " I'm not sure that love will ever be able to fully understand, and I am convinced that human emotions have evolved considerably throughout history. However, I do not think that love of a mother to a child too different from what the animals feel towards their young. "

Oxytocin is secreted in both cases, recalls Dr. Jang. "It's just that love is so powerful emotions that we refuse to believe that hiding behind that chemical processes. "

If this sounds too harsh, do not worry - when you knees shake next time you will not have time to think what is behind it.

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