Recognize the signs on time and avoid unnecessary pain and loss of your time,nobody will be grateful if you sacrifice yourself. Here are some signs, the seven indicators that can demonstrate that your relationship will not survive:
1. Partner is still in touch with former Often we meet men who are not related, but they can not forget about the past. You notice disturbing behavior: the Ex's name comes up frequently in conversations; may be regular phone calls or secret meeting, frequent arguments, and among them there are a lot of unresolved pain. You think that everything will be better, if you have more patience with him. In reality, it takes years to fully heal a broken heart, and sometimes do not heal. While comfort is that he is here with you, remember that hi is here with you only with his body, and his heart belongs to his former girlfriend. Are you willing to wait weeks, months, years, with no guarantee that hi will ever love you the way you want? I suggest that you dont not waste your time on ghosts of the past.
2. Relation of despair Some of them are ready for a relationship. The readiness for commitment comes as a desperate and anxious fear - if you'll ever find someone? With biological clocks ticking in one hand and heart to another, you bind to the first person who shows any interest. Although this individual is nothing you ever claimed to want, desperately trying to succeed in this connection. Or you are repeatedly involved in passionate relationships with people who are emotionally, mentally and physically unavailable,not for you (ie married, internet connection at a distance, with the vices of men, those who work in the first place and no time for you or a sexual relationship with "friends, "after which you feel used and lonely). Your friends and family are surprised what is that,that you see on these guys, and they do not. And you really do not have a better defense than "your heart choose who will you love."
3. Unrealistic Expectations of Perfection Every time you say the phrase "should" you judge your partner and you considered your self superior. And when you say "why not" you express your disapproval. With that you are trying to change someone. When the energy is wasted on trying to change to become what you think hi/she should be, it indicates a problem. Keep in mind that even you are not perfect, so why insist that someone else try to be? True love is built on the foundations of love, acceptance and togetherness. However, incompatible sexual beliefs, lifestyles, etc., can cause problems in the relationship. If there are such large differences in values, beliefs or lifestyles that you find your mate are not good, the problem is not them, it's YOU.
4.Acts of Jealous, Obsessive or Abusive Behavior Abuse can be insidious and may not be easy to spot, but commonly abused person has the bruises and damaged self respect. Shoving, offensive nicknames, pinching, hitting or other forms of physical abuse are violent tactics of intimidation. In addition, it can be a threat that will destroy some of your assets, outbursts of anger and jealousy that makes you really pay attention to what you're doing. Offensive or disparaging words are a sign of psychological abuse. And of course, your partner is sorry and promises not to do it again ... until next time. Abusers get only ONE chance. If you are ever physically assaulted, or you have any reason to fear injury, or insulted you, even if only once, please close that relationship immediately.
5. You can not bear his friends, family or children
If you want to get married, he becomes part of your family, and you'll become part of his. If during the walk,your relationship, you can not stand his close friends and family members, there will be problems and conflicts. And it is not reasonable to expect your partner to stop socializing with friends or family. Keep in mind that blood is thicker than water. If you hate his friends and family and they are aware of it, it will quickly turn against you you will be out of the story.
6.You give too much When you love someone it is very important to be discerning, but not when it means you sacrifice your own safety, financial stability or health! If you put aside loving friends and family, your hobbies and interests, because of yours partner's negative comments. Your world will becomes smaller as you center around pleasing your partner and sacrificing yourself. Love can not blossom without respect. Stand up for yourself, you are looking for fairness and equality in giving and receiving! No excuses. Anyone who will come into your life,and they are not mature and responsible you have to release them.
7. Strong Evidence of lying
Honesty and trust are the core of every relationship. Lying, pretense, and factual omissions violate the trust. Liars have a serious flaw, and they never change. Ask yourself what this partner is hiding from you and why? Anyone who does not want to tell the truth about themselves, their beliefs or behavior, afraid of being exposed, which means you'll never be intimate. Catch a partner in a lie and you will feel that you will never be able to trust him, why stay in the relationship?
Ignoring these 7 characters will not fix the problem. Your partner is the way it is. Your goal is to find someone you can share your soul, heart and life. Realistically evaluate each partner you meet until you find what are you looking for and what suits you.
And remeber life is to short to spend it on someone who doesnt deservr your attention.
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