What is that in numbers ??? Everything I think ...
In this 2011 we had experienced and will experience two more unusual dates. Including: 1.1.11, 11.1.11, 1:11:11 and 11:11:11 (1 January 2011), (January 11, 2011), (November 1, 2011) and (November 11, 2011). But that's not all!
If you pick the last two digits of your birth and the age you will be this year,you get the same sum 111th and that's not all everybody on this earth get 111 number.
For example: Jon was born 1984 year and this year filled 27 years, 84 +27 = 111 , Helen was born 19 60 year and this year filled 51 years, 60 +51 = 111 .
For Chinese Feng Shui this year is the year of money. This year is especially important month of October, October will have 5 Saturdays, 5 weeks and 5 Monday's something like this happens once in 823 years.But what will happened on 11.01.2011 that is mystery that will find out soon.
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