You need 1l.Milk which you will cook,and 2Table spoons of thicker yogurt.When the milk is cooked put the milk aside to cool it . you shouldnt allow to cool completely, but just enough that when you dip your finger in it,you can hold your finger until you count to ten. There will be about eight hot hot, but a term of ten means that the milk temperature is sufficient lukewarm so you can put the yogurt in it. Pour the milk into a container or some dish that has a lid and then add the yogurt. All nice mix it with spoon, cover it and wrap it in some towel or whatever you have to wrap the dish so it can have the real temperature so the yogurt could be done properly. It needs to stay for 6 hours if its summer because the weather is waarm and 8 hours in the winter to be done. The easiest way is to leave the milk overnight, so you'll have a yogurt in the morning.
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