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Friday, September 9, 2011

How to Supersize Your Penis

After receiving much e-mail in regards to penis size and rigidity (or lack thereof), today's sex tip focuses on how you can make your penis harder and, in essence, appear and feel bigger. Please keep in mind that this tip does not focus onerectile dysfunction or impotence, but rather helping men fine-tune their members.

As men get older, many factors can contribute to the loss of penis strength and sexual potential. Our lower bodies need tune-ups, much like car engines do. Blood congestion around and within the sexual organ will cause problems and make many men lose strength in their penises and their sexual potential will, in turn, suffer.

But fear not, for there are solutions to your sexual dilemma. If you follow these simple instructions and make the necessary changes in your lifestyle, then it's likely that your penis will reach its full potential.

Make It Harder

The following suggestions do not guarantee changes, but may help improve many of your insecurities and shortcomings. Keep in mind, though, that a positive attitude will lead to a positive outcome.


In order to maintain a full-on erection, you must keep your blood flowing; after all, it's via bloodflow that you achieve an erection at all. By exercising regularly, your blood circulation will improve immensely and will therefore remove blood congestion, allowing circulation to properly resume into your penis.

Improve Your Diet

Consume more soy products, fresh vegetables, fruits, and fish, and keep fatty foods to a minimum. Your diet effects your overall wellness and if you want to be at your best, treat your body like a temple and your penis will reap the benefits.

Take Herbal & Vitamin Supplements

When it comes to sexual performance, one little drawback can lead to a vicious circle. Keep your energy up with supplements such as ginseng and vitamin B12. A boost in energy can lead to a boost in confidence, which can ultimately lead to an increase in penis girth.Natural supplements can also help your exercise regimens.

Give Up Alcohol, Tobacco & Drugs

It's no secret that all drugs are harmful and unnecessary. If you smoke, then quit as soon as possible because it's a little known fact that smokers have weaker erections than non-smokers. Capillaries and blood veins contract when smoke enters the body, inhibiting blood flow and preventing the penis from reaching its full "potential." Even prescribed medication can diminish your penile potential. If possible, try using herbal alternatives instead -- but consult your doctor first.

Massage Your Groin Area Frequently

Just as exercise helps the blood flow more adequately, so too does massage. Now I'm not suggesting that you masturbate compulsively, rather massage your penis and the surrounding area to get your blood circulating and your sexual energy up. Daily massages, just like exercise, can help improve the situation.

It's All Up To You

Perhaps you were expecting some miraculous cure for what ails you. Although these suggestions may sound somewhat tedious and untrue, they are, in fact, important aspects of sexual growth and energy.

Confidence is probably the most important aspect of any sexual experience you're going to have. But if you practice all the aforementioned suggestions, then your confidence will certainly flourish.


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